#58 3 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Garden

Season #4

Hey friend! On this episode, we are digging into three ways to get the most out of your garden this season. Now I know what you’re thinking, it’s 100° outside, it hasn’t rained in weeks, and everything is dying. I get it...same here! But that doesn’t mean that we should just throw in the towel for the year. There is so much left to grow, and in this episode, I’m gonna show you three ways to make this season your best ever! 

Remember to leave a review if you have enjoyed this podcast! :)


Here are the links I mentioned in this episode: 

Get my top five things to add to your soil this summer at the link below


Learn how to succession plant like a wild child in my FREE live workshop on August 28 Succession Planting 101. 

  •  In our together, I am going to show you how to harvest cabbage all season instead of harvesting all your cabbage in one day. 
  • I am going to show you what to do for more harvests when your veggies are ready to be picked.
  • And you will learn how to choose the right varieties, so you can keep the harvest coming without ever having to replant at all.  

When you succession plant Wild Child , everything changes! I can’t wait to see you there!


Join the fall session of the Wild Child Kitchen Gardening Academy at the link below


Check Out These Episode To Dig Deeper Into Getting More Out Of Your Season

Episode #55 -  Know Your Garden Why

Episode #50 - Top Three Mistakes Gardeners Make Before Planting

Episode #32 - Who Are You As A Gardener  



Popular Classes In TheWild Child Library This Month:

 Growing Potatoes Like A Wild Child

Seed Saving For Beginners

The Art of Growing Flowers In The Vegetable Garden


Connect With Me:

Facebook: @wildchildkitchengardens

Instagram: @wildchildkitchengardens

TikTok:  @wildchildkitchengardens

Learn More About Growing With Me: