Want to enjoy the benefits of pollinators but don't have the space to plant a pollinator garden?
This class is for you! I will show you how to incorporate plants for pollinators into your vegetable garden beds, show you how you can use what you are already growing to attract the pollinators to your garden, and you will get my list of favorite plants to attract the pollinators we all love. If you have a garden and you want to increase your harvests and beauty of your space you will love this class.
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Learn how to incorporate plants into your garden that will attract pollinators and increase your harvests.

Learn how to use what you are already growing to bring in the beneficials and increase your harvests.
Learn how to get the most out of your pollinator plants in every season.

You’re just a few steps away from more beauty, more harvests, and more pollinators in your garden.
Save your seat today and learn how to plant for pollinators the wild child way.
Save Your Seat for $19