A Wild Child Garden in March

Mar 04, 2025


Spring is around the corner, March 20th to be exact, but the time to begin thinking about spring in your garden is NOW!!  March is such a special month in the garden, all February long we have been asking ourselves how our June garden self wants to feel.  Now it is time to start paving the way to her.  Every thing we do right now in March is a step towards her in June, so if you haven't set a garden goal yet that reflects how you want your June garden self to feel, stop right there and head over to my podcast "Growing Gardeners" and check out Ep. 78: My 2025 Garden Goals.  In this episode I tell you all about the goals I have set for my garden this season, but more importantly I tell you why I have chosen these goals! 


Your Garden Goals

We need to set garden goals now based on how we want to feel in June, so let's think about that for a second.  This is something that many gardeners never even consider.  I think it is the most important part!  Garden goals are more like "I want to eat a tomato sandwich, over the kitchen sink, with mayo and white bread only, every day of summer" instead of "I want to grow tomatoes."  Do you see the difference???  If you haven't set a garden goal yet, do that now, so that you can base every decision you make this month on how it is going to help you reach your goal.


Your Garden Plan

Once you have a garden goal, you are ready for a garden plan!  You will need to take into consideration the space you have in your garden, and keep in mind that you don't need a huge space to accomplish your garden goals!  You just need to keep your space in mind while you are making your plan!  After your plan is finalized, you are ready to plant! If you are new to the Wild Child planting method, and you want to cram as much as you can into your space, check out my FREE class Mastering Companion Planting HERE 



What I’m Planting!

The short answer to this question is EVERYTHING!!  Throughout the month of March, I will plant my whole garden.  You may be familiar with the tradition of planting your after Easter, and my Maw Maw wouldn't have it any other way,  but we are Wild Child gardeners, and we are not waiting until Easter to plant our gardens!  As a matter of fact, some of the ladies inside of my programs have already started planting their gardens!  And you know what?  If you plant now, you will be harvesting before those "wait til Easter" gardeners even plant. So don't wait, we have a saying in the Garden Club, "We plant early and plan to cover." And that is exactly what we will do! 



Squash, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Peppers, Corn, Eggplant...any of these can be planted in March as long as you are willing to keep a close eye on the weather and cover if necessary.  That is exactly what I plan to do!  Outside of the well-known spring crops there are some veggies that you might not think of being a spring crop, but they are! Asparagus is a great example of one of those veggies.  March is the perfect month to plant asparagus crowns.  These crowns can be purchased on-line retailers but be sure to look for crowns that are at least two years old!  Asparagus is a simple vegetable to grow and comes back year after year, so be sure you plant them in a spot that you are committed too!  Asparagus likes to be grown by itself but does well as a companion to strawberries.  Check out THIS blog post for more!

 To learn all that you can plant this month, download my March planting guide here.


This month of March in the garden is pure magic, the planning, the new beginning, the excitement, and the planting of your spring garden.  Whether this is your first spring garden or if you have been gardening for years, this month is the month that everything can change in your garden! Spring is here, and my garden is ready!  Last month we set our garden goals, and this is the month that we make them happen!  Happy Gardening! 




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