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A Wild Child Garden in December

Dec 19, 2023


If you are a zone 9 gardener and are not gardening in the month of December, you are missing out!  Would you believe me if I told you that even in the month of December there are things to be planted??  There are!!  In the Wild Child Garden Club we always say,“we are always planning, planting, and picking!” And for the zone 9 gardener that means 52 weeks a year there is something that can be done!  December is a unique month in the backyard garden because at this point we are well into our fall/winter garden, but still there is more to do!  For starters this is what we have affectionately named “Fruit Week” for the Wild Child gardener.  If you want to add fruit trees to your own back yard garden this is the time!  What you might say?  Fruit in December???  Yes!!  Strawberries, citrus, blueberries, figs, and muscadines can all be grown right in your own back yard.  And so much more!  If I’m speaking your language, and you can’t wait to be harvesting fruit from your own backyard garden, you need to checkout our Fruit Growing Essentials course that is available for your on demand viewing.  This course will teach you everything you need to know to be growing fruit now!  


If fruit isn’t your thing, not to worry! You still have time for one last round of root vegetables.  Check with your farmers almanac to be sure to choose the best dates to plant with them moon, and get those carrots, radish, and beet seeds in the ground! If planting with the moon sounds like something you would like to know more about, you can read the blog I wrote about that a few weeks ago here.  If you don’t have seeds on hand, not to worry!  You can always make a quick trip to your local nursery, and grab so many varieties of greens to get in the soil.  There is still plenty of time to enjoy many harvests of delicious fresh greens right from your own back yard!  



If we still haven’t convinced you that there are plenty of things to be planted in December, let me give it one last try!!  December is the month to plant Garlic and Onions!  Don’t let this month slip by without getting at least a few of both in the ground!  Both are easy to plant, with very little pests! A win-win for the Wild Child Kitchen Garden! If you think garlic and onions might be your thing, don’t miss one of my favorites classes of the cool weather season, Growing Awesome Alliums.  It is a Wild Child favorite.  In it, I walk you step by step through the entire process of planting, growing, and harvesting these super rewarding crops!  I promise you won’t regret adding both garlic and onions to your backyard garden space.



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