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Get Well & Stay Well

wellness Dec 08, 2022


We say that we are all about proactive health care instead of reactive sick care around here. These are the products we use to get well and stay well all year long.  I am not paid by any of these brands.  This is just my own personal experience and the experience of my family over many years.  Simply put, these are the brands we love and use! Today, more than ever, keeping our bodies in tip top shape is so important!!


Here is what we do every day to help our bodies stay well:


2 tablespoons Organic Life Liquid Vitamin
1 tablespoon Ellie Mae's Elderberry Syrup
1 tablespoon Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar 5 drops Plant Therapy Defender, Immune Aid, or Germ Fighter mixed with a palm of coconut oil and rubbed onto neck and the bottoms of feet.




2 cups epsom salt in hot bath (we love the Lavender and Cannabis varieties)
1 teaspoon of Calm, dissolved in water
1 Transformation Enzymes Probiotic
1 tablespoon of Ellie Mae's Elderberry Syrup
5 drops Plant Therapy Defender, Immune Aid, or Germ Fighter mixed with a palm of coconut oil and rubbed onto neck and the bottoms of feet.


Why these brands?       


These brands have been part of our daily routine for a long time.  Here's why we love them and where you can get them (from left to right):


Ellie Mae's Elderberry Syrup is made locally right here in Zachary.  Elderberry syrup is our #1 go to supplement for the fall and winter seasons.  We love it!  Elderberries contain so many antioxidants and are considered THE superfood for immunity.  You can get your bottle of elderberry syrup on the Ellie Mae's website or locally at Premier Produce or Unique Creations Gift Boutique, both in Zachary.


Organic Life Liquid Vitamin is the only vitamin my family has taken in years.  We take it daily, and can feel a difference just minutes after we drink it.  It is plant based and is made up of over 24 organic fruits and veggies. It doesn't taste bad and can be used mid-day as a natural energy booster as well.  We love this stuff!


Natural Vitality Calm is a product we use year round because it helps the body relax and promotes a good night's sleep.  Sleep is so important for your body's immune system. If you do everything else right, but don't get quality sleep, you might as well not do anything.  I learned this through years of trying to restore mine and my youngest daughter's adrenal health.  Without sleep, nothing else is going to work properly.  This magnesium supplement will relax your body and allow your systems to slow down in order to be at rest during the night.  I can't recommend it enough.  


Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar is the best vinegar on the market in my opinion. It is USDA Organic, unheated, unfiltered, and unpasteurized, with 5% acidity, and contains the Mother.  Some of the amazing benefits of ACV are that it has the ability to kill all kinds bacteria all over our bodies and keeps them from multiplying, it lowers blood sugar and fights diabetes, assists in weight loss, and lowers cholesterol and supports cardiovascular health.  You can read more about the benefits here. Bragg's ACV is carried just about everywhere.  Don't settle for another brand.  This is the one you want.


Transformation Enzymes Probiotic is the #1 practitioner recommended probiotic brand and contains up to 42 billion cfu per capsule, depending on the strength you choose.  Taken before bed time, this army of beneficial bacteria will get to work while you sleep, creating a balanced gut environment, which is critical for your immune system to function properly.   A probiotic is a critical piece of the health puzzle.  And this is a great probiotic.


Plant Therapy Oils have been my go to essential oils for many years.  Their quality is superior, and their prices are reasonable.  I have used them for years, with much success, and will be lathering up, cleaning countertops with, and diffusing these three all season long.  I have a coupon linked for you HERE to receive $10 off of your first order if you want to try some out.  


Getting well and staying well is not as hard as it may seem, but it all starts now! I know that you will love these products as much as we do!!




Update: Plant Therapy liquid vitamins have become harder to find since the original writing of the post. I now use Liquid Gold multivitamin, and love it. If you need a multi-vitamin, this one is fantastic. All organic, plant based, and will give you more energy than an espresso shot....with no crash later!! Wonderful product.


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