Want to grow garlic, onions, and other alliums this winter?  

Join me for this one hour workshop to learn how to plant, grow, harvest, and store the easiest vegetable of the cool season.


Did you know that you can grow alliums in your zone 9 garden that are far tastier than the grocery store varieties? 

Learn my favorite varieties, where to purchase starts for best results, and what you'll need to keep them thriving in your backyard garden space in this one hour workshop.


You Can Grow Alliums In Your Garden This Winter

Learn the wild child way of growing alliums by:

  • Preparing your soil before planting
  • Planting the right varieties for best success
  • Knowing what these veggies need to succeed
  • Understanding when to harvest alliums
  • Learning about the curing and storing process
  • Enjoying alliums all year long

Yes, All Of This Is Inside!

In Growing Awesome Alliums you will learn all of this and so much more!


What's Included In The Course

1 Hour Live Video Class

Growing Awesome Alliums

In this one hour live video you will learn :

  • The veggies of the allium family 
  • Individual instruction on both onions and garlic
  • An over view of growing leeks in South Louisiana
  • The secret trick to having green onions in the garden year round
  • How to prepare the soil for alliums
  • How to harvest alliums
  • The curing and storage process for garlic and onions

You’ll finish this class with a deep understanding of how to grow these vegetables and why you should. All of the guesswork will be gone, and you will be ready to greaux!


Quick Guide to Growing Onions

In this guide you will have a reference for your onion growing needs:

  • Checklist for growing big onions
  • Cheat sheet for knowing the types of onions you should be growing
  • Quick guide to feeding onions
  • Onions page for your garden journal to track your onions' growth throughout the season
  • Resources in clickable file for you to have everything you need when you need it.

Quick Guide To Growing Garlic

In this guide you will have all the tools you need to grow gorgeous garlic this season:

  • Checklist for growing gorgeous garlic
  • Cheat sheet of varieties and which ones grow best in zone 9
  • Garlic page for your garden journal to track your garlics' growth throughout the season
  • Resources in clickable file for you to have everything you need when you need it.

This Course Is For You If...

  • You want to grow garlic and onions but you are nervous to try.
  • You have grown alliums unsuccessfully in the past.
  • You don't think you can grow alliums in your backyard garden space.
  • You are a little bit scared of these winter veggies.
  • You want to try something new and get it right the first time.
  • You can't wait to enjoy homegrown garlic and onions.

I'm Kellye Jeansonne


I am the founder of Wild Child Kitchen Gardens, and I teach and inspire busy women to grow gorgeous food in any space.  I have made all the mistakes of backyard gardening and tried so many methods over the years.  Now, I use what I have learned from my mistakes to keep you from making the same ones!  What I have learned is that we all have green thumbs, we just need someone to help us find ours sometimes!










Growing Awesome Alliums

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One Time Price | Replay Available